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Zag's API is intentionally very low level and unstyled, giving you control over how you want to style them. Unlike Chakra UI, it provides no styles or UI, just behavior or logic, accessibility and helpful methods.

Each machine provides an idea of the DOM structure and styling guide to show you how to style the states and parts.

Styling a component part

Every component comprises of multiple parts that can be styled. For example, the dialog component has the following parts: content, trigger, title, and backdrop.

The data-part attribute can be used to select and style a component part.

Here's what a sample HTML for the dialog looks like:

<div data-part="backdrop"></div> <div data-part="positioner"> <div data-part="content"> <h2 data-part="title">Dialog Title</h2> <p data-part="description">Dialog Description</p> <button data-part="close-trigger">Close</button> </div> </div>

You can style each part using the CSS attribute selector.

[data-part="backdrop"] { background-color: #000; opacity: 0.5; } [data-part="content"] { padding: 24px; border-radius: 6px; }

Styling a state

When a component or its parts can have multiple states, we automatically attach data-* attributes that represents the specific state. For example, an accordion's trigger can have:

  • data-disabled — When the trigger is disabled.
  • data-expanded — When the trigger is expanded.

You can style the accordion's trigger using the CSS attribute selector.

[data-part="trigger"][data-expanded] { background: red; } [data-part="trigger"][data-disabled] { opacity: 0.5; cursor: not-allowed; }

You'll see this pattern across every components within the library.

Zag was designed to encapsulate logic, accessibility and interactions, while giving you full control over styling.

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